Indie Corner Week 9: Necry Talkie
/ KenNecry Talkie are a five member pop rock band formed in 2017. One of the first things noticed about this band is their vocalist Mossa's unique voice. In a lot of their songs, the other members match that same energy and uniqueness that Mossa gives off; their song "オシャレ大作戦" ("Oshyare Taisakusen") shows a great example of this energy.
Currently Necry Talkie has three demo singles: two released back in 2017 and one this year. During the release of their third single they also performed their first one-man live.
You can check out their official site, and Twitter.
Necry Talkie stars Takei (Drums)
Ahisa (Guitar)
Mossa (Guitar& Vocals)
Fujita (Bass)
Check out their song "Oshare Taisakusen" below!
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